Kick-off meeting

January 31 & February 1-2 2024

Hosted by: Odense University Hospital

Venue: Nomad Workspace, Blegdamsvej 6, 2200 Copenhagen N

January 30
20:00Formal dinner for all arrived – BÆST
January 31Clinical workshop
09:00-12:00MONITOR Nuclear Medicine issuesProject coordinator
Clinical partners
13:00-16.00MONITOR Clinical Trials issuesProject coordinator
Clinical partners
19:00Working dinner for all – Brd. Price Rosenborg
February 1Project Kick-off
08:30-09:00Check-in, coffee and pastriesAll partners
09:00-09:15 Welcome and introductionProject coordinator
09:15-09:45Introduction of the partnersProject coordinator
09:45 – 10:15Highlights from Grant Agreement
Highlights from Consortium Agreement
10:15-11:00The importance and challenges of diagnostic RCTDr. Werner Vach
11:00-11:30Coffee break
11:30-12:30Summary presentations of the Work Packages, 15 min. each followed by Q&A
WP 2 – Digital PERCIST
WP2 and WP3 leads
13:30-14:30Summary presentations of the Work Packages, 15 min. each followed by Q&A
WP 4 – Patient and family perspectives
WP 9 – Ethics
WP4 and WP9 leads
14:30-14:45Coffee break
14:45-16:15Summary presentations of the Work Packages, 15 min. each followed by Q&A
WP 6 – Response criteria for metastatic breast cancer patient management
WP 7 – AI-based PET development
WP 8 – Liquid biopsies
WP6, WP7 and WP8 leads
17:00-18:00Social activity – TBDEveryone invited
19:00Working dinner – Restaurant Lola
February 2Project Kick-off
09:00-09:30Administrative issues
WP 1 – Project management
Project coordinator
09:30-10:30Summary presentations of the Work Packages, 15 min. each followed by Q&A
WP 5 – Cost-effectivenes and health policy decision making
WP 10 – Communication, dissemination and exploitation
WP5 & WP10 leads
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:45Pending issues and take aways from Day 1 & 2Project Coordinator
11:45-12:00Wrap up & safe travelsProject Coordinator
12.00Lunch to go